1400 people every month benefit from the food distribution organized by APMM organization


One of the activities of the association is to distribute food to the needy, the disabled, the elderly, the unemployed and the homeless, which benefits about 1400 people each month.
It is sad to see people in need because they are sick and weak because of the lack of food.
therefore, APMM always tries to contribute to what it can do.
So we encourage everyone to take care of the needy because the world is indeed a passage.


+261 34 12 309 11 +261 32 04 748 66 +261 33 01 098 84

APMM is a registered charitable organization dedicated to providing religious, educational and social services for the diverse Muslim community in Madagascar.

APMM is a registered charitable organization dedicated to providing religious, educational and social services for the diverse Muslim community in Madagascar.